In my last post, I discussed toxins commonly found in beauty products and which ones to avoid. In this post, I’m driving down the opposite road and discussing which essential oils I like to use to support lymphatic massage and why I use them.
Here are my top picks to support total body wellness through lymphatic massage.
Essential Oils to Support Lymphatic Massage
Cypress has a spicy, almost masculine scent that is ideal for relaxation and stress relief. It’s made from Cypress needles which are distilled to create the oil I love to use for lymphatic massage. Cypress oil also has a strong grounding component. It is stimulating in nature and is an excellent choice for massage. You can also blend it with lavender or citrus oils for a lovely aroma.
Bay Laurel
Bay Laurel essential oil is spicy yet floral in aroma and is made from bay leaves. I love to use it to support my lymphatic massage services, and it also feels lovely on the skin. Some people even use it in their hair products for added softness. It soothes the lymphatic system, leaving my clients thoroughly refreshed and relaxed.
Citrus Oils
Citrus is such a fun aroma and it is also highly supportive of the lymphatic system. It’s refreshing and awakening properties make it an excellent mood enhancer. Since our lymphatic systems are directly affected by our stress levels, like all areas of the body, citrus oils are a great choice to help reduce stress and promote calmness throughout the body.
Bonus Oil Suggestions
When I’m simply trying to promote general well-being for my client, I also like to use Juniper and Helichrysum. Each of these oils is highly aromatic and are excellent to support the body’s immune system. They are also used to support healthy lymphatic circulation. Their aroma and their natural properties make them a top pick for me when my clients come in for a thorough lymphatic massage.
While I love to use essential oils for wellness, there are a few that I avoid altogether…
Oils To Avoid
I don’t use oregano or peppermint essential oils for lymph massage for their own reasons. Oregano and peppermint are fine oils for specific purposes. Oregano is a lovely accent for cooking, and it powerfully aromatic. Oregano essential oil is considered a ‘hot’ oil, which means it can be very irritating especially for sensitive skin types. Peppermint is an oil I use sparingly or completely avoid when performing lymphatic massage. Some find it to be a bit overwhelming and I tend to agree.
The purpose of using essential oils in lymphatic massage is to add another level of support and general wellness throughout the body. Since essential oils are easily absorbed and circulated through the body, we can actually promote disharmony in the body if we use the wrong type of oil. I’ve spent years learning which essential oils are best, and I highly recommend the aforementioned oils to support your lymphatic system.
Quality Matters
One important point to keep in mind is that the quality of your essential oil matters. Many ‘drugstore’ essential oils are made with various types of other oils which can cause irritation or reduce the positive benefits of any oil. I say double and triple check the brand you’re using before you apply it. If you’d like to know what brands I use, please feel free to contact me.
Want to experience these essential oils in person with a lymphatic massage? Then please reach out to me to book your first appointment via the form below! Or visit