It’s a lemon day! For those days when you need a little more motivation, lemon essential oil is one of my top picks to get me moving. Simply inhaling the uplifting fresh aroma of lemon is enough to “reboot my brain” and get my game on!
Essential oils are easy to use. Simply breathing in essential oils helps to quickly shift your mood and neurochemistry.
It’s a delicious way to redirect your thinking. Citrus oils, and more specifically, Lemon is like sunshine in a bottle!
Lemon essential oil enhances skin care, cooking, and oral care. It works wonders at removing sticky adhesives and permanent marker from whiteboards. Two of my favorite ways to use lemon essential oil are diffusing and adding to my drinking water.
Internal use: I use 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil in my drinking water daily. Lemon is high in the constituent d-limonene. D-Limonene is known for its immune supporting properties. Do your own research. You’ll find many resources to further educate you on the many benefits of d-limonene.
Fun Fact: Did you know that it takes 75 lemons to make 15 ml or ½ oz of genuine therapeutic grade essential oil?
Buyer beware! Not all essential oils are created equal. My passion is providing information and access to products that are plant based, safe and natural. The company I choose has a long history of success creating the highest quality essential oils and personal care products. Discover the Powerful Benefits of Plant Based Essential Oils. Ask me how to get started on your own wellness journey with these amazing products.