I hear this question all the time: “do you wear sunscreen?” That’s a loaded question, and my answer is controversial. I do not wear sunscreen, and here is why.
I grew up in Eastern Washington where the summers were hot and sunny. My teenage years were during the era when it was really “cool and hip” to get as dark as possible. Many of my peers and I did the most toxic thing possible; we slathered ourselves in mineral oil and baked for long hours during the peak afternoon sunshine. I have fair skin and light colored hair. The result for me was sun damage later in life, primarily on my arms and legs.
Fast forward to my 30’s with my days spent competitive body building. One could not hope for a chance of placing on stage, no matter how ripped and symmetrical in appearance, unless you were dark, dark, dark. That way your hard earned efforts presented well to the judges and audience. Being a fair skinned goddess, my only hope of achieving dark skin was a base tan in the tanning beds and following up with more slathering of toxic fake tanning products.
Now each annual visit with my dermatologist, the same question about sunscreen arises. I always say no, and I hear the same lecture. I do not wear commercial sunscreen because it’s not healthy. The chemicals in most sunscreen products irritate my skin. They contain toxic chemicals, hormone disrupters, and my skin begins to itch and burn. Despite the fact that sunscreen is being worn now more than ever before, there is a dramatic rise in skin cancer. How can that be possible?
Working with the lymphatic system, my concern for toxic sunscreen goes even deeper. Applying toxic chemicals on the skin and allowing them to literally be “baked” into the skin may increase absorption into your blood and lymphatic systems. Most of us already have an overly burdened lymphatic system. We are bombarded with environmental toxins every single day. From the air we breathe, the water we drink, our contaminated food system, even our clothing and bedding. Given the choice to eliminate application of more toxic chemicals on my skin, my response is a loud NO.
According to Dr. Mercola:
SPF only protects against UVB rays, which are the rays within the ultraviolet spectrum that allow your body to produce vitamin D in your skin.
But the most dangerous rays, in terms of causing skin damage and cancer, are the UVA rays. This is why you always want to make sure any sunscreen you buy protects against UVA as well as UVB.
Here is what I do for sun protection:
- Use safe alternatives for sunscreen application. See link below.
- Limit direct sun exposure.
- Spend more time outside in the morning and later in the day when the sun is not as intense.
- Wear a hat and sunglasses.
- Take astaxanthin for internal sun protection. Astaxanthin– A highly potent antioxidant which research shows acts as an internal sunscreen.
- Select appropriate clothing choices for sun protection.
For more in-depth information on the topic of sunscreen, take a peek here.
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Consider using essential oils to maintain healthy looking skin.
Click here to Schedule your session or free consultation, or call Rochelle directly at 206-390-4731.